Desktop wallpaper with black background templates

Here is a startpoint. You can continue writing...

enter image description here






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     \Large\textbf{GNU Emacs Reference Card} \\
     \normalsize (for version 23)\\

\subsection{Starting Emacs}
To enter GNU Emacs 23, just type its name:\quad\textpink{emacs}

\subsection{Leaving Emacs}
suspend Emacs (or iconify under X) & C-z \\
exit Emacs permanently & C-x C-c \\

\textbf{read} a file into Emacs & C-x C-f \\
\textbf{save} a file back to disk & C-x C-s \\
save \textbf{all} files & C-x s \\
insert contents of another file into this buffer & C-x i \\
\dots \\

\textbf{entity to move over } & \textyellow{backward} & \textyellow{forward} \\
character & C-b & C-f \\
\dots \\
scroll to next screen & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textpink{C-v}} \\
\dots \\


Document zoomed in:

enter image description here

In the evening, green soothes the eyes. I adapted an Emacs cheatsheet a couple of years ago, intending to remove items as I learned them and then add new ones — another good intention unfulfilled. But for what it’s worth, this is proportioned for 5:4 screens and designed to leave no space wasted. Use more and shorter columns for wide screens.

% compile with lualatex
% \definecolor{head}{HTML}{72B247}
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  \Huge\textcolor{head}{Emacs Help}


save \textbf{all} files\hfill\kbd{C-x s}\\
replace this file with the file you really want\hfill\kbd{C-x C-v}\\
write buffer to a specified file\hfill\kbd{C-x C-w}\\
toggle read-only status of buffer\hfill\kbd{C-x C-q}

select another buffer\hfill\kbd{C-x b}\\
list all buffers\hfill\kbd{C-x C-b}\\
kill a buffer\hfill\kbd{C-x k}

\section{Getting Help}
For the help system, type \kbd{C-h} or \kbd{F1} and follow the
directions. For a \textbf{tutorial}, type \kbd{C-h t}.

remove help window\hfill\kbd{C-x 1}\\
scroll help window\hfill\kbd{C-M-v}\\
apropos: show commands matching a string\hfill\kbd{C-h a}\\
describe the function a key runs\hfill\kbd{C-h k}\\
describe a function\hfill\kbd{C-h f}\\
get mode-specific information\hfill\kbd{C-h m}

enter the Info documentation reader\hfill\kbd{C-h i}\\
find specified function or variable in Info\hfill\kbd{C-h S}

\subsubsection{Moving within a node}
scroll forward\hfill\kbd{SPC}\\
scroll reverse\hfill\kbd{DEL}\\
beginning of node\hfill\kbd{.} (dot)

\subsubsection{Moving between nodes}
\textbf{next} node\hfill\kbd{n}\\
\textbf{previous} node\hfill\kbd{p}\\
move \textbf{up}\hfill\kbd{u}\\
select menu item by name\hfill\kbd{m}\\
select \textit{n}th menu item by number (1–9)\hfill\kbd{\itshape n}\\
follow cross reference  (return with \kbd{l})\hfill\kbd{f}\\
return to last node you saw\hfill\kbd{l}\\
return to directory node\hfill\kbd{d}\\
go to top node of Info file\hfill\kbd{t}\\
go to any node by name\hfill\kbd{g}

run Info \textbf{tutorial}\hfill\kbd{h}\\
look up a subject in the indices\hfill\kbd{i}\\
search nodes for regexp\hfill\kbd{s}\\
\textbf{quit} Info\hfill\kbd{q}

\section{In the Minibuffer}
complete as much as possible\hfill\kbd{TAB}\\
complete up to one word\hfill\kbd{SPC}\\
complete and execute\hfill\kbd{RET}\\
show possible completions\hfill\kbd{?}\\
fetch previous minibuffer input\hfill\kbd{M-p}\\
fetch later minibuffer input or default\hfill\kbd{M-n}\\
regexp search backward through history\hfill\kbd{M-r}\\
regexp search forward through history\hfill\kbd{M-s}\\
abort command\hfill\kbd{C-g}

Type \kbd{C-x ESC ESC} to edit and repeat the last command that
used the minibuffer.

\section{Error Recovery}
\textbf{abort} partially typed or executing command\hfill\kbd{C-g}\\
\textbf{recover} files after crash\hfill\kbd{M-x recover-session}\\
\textbf{undo} unwanted change\hfill\kbd{C-x u}, \kbd{C-\_} or \kbd{C-/}\\
restore original contents\hfill\kbd{M-x revert-buffer}\\
redraw garbaged screen\hfill\kbd{C-l}

\bfseries entity to move over & \bfseries backward & \bfseries forward\\
word & \kbd{M-b} & \kbd{M-f}\\
line & \kbd{C-p} & \kbd{C-n}\\
sentence & \kbd{M-a} & \kbd{M-e}\\
paragraph & \kbd{M-\{} & \kbd{M-\}}\\
page & \kbd{C-x [} & \kbd{C-x ]}\\
sexp & \kbd{C-M-b} & \kbd{C-M-f}

scroll left\hfill\kbd{C-x <}\\
scroll right\hfill\kbd{C-x >}

set mark here\hfill\kbd{C-@} or \kbd{C-SPC}\\
exchange point and mark\hfill\kbd{C-x C-x}\\
set mark \textit{arg} \textbf{words} away\hfill\kbd{M-@}\\
mark \textbf{paragraph}\hfill\kbd{M-h}\\
mark \textbf{page}\hfill\kbd{C-x C-p}\\
mark \textbf{sexp}\hfill\kbd{C-M-@}\\
mark \textbf{function}\hfill\kbd{C-M-h}\\
mark entire \textbf{buffer}\hfill\kbd{C-x h}

\bfseries entity to kill & \bfseries backward & \bfseries forward\\
word & \kbd{M-DEL} & \kbd{M-d}\\
line (to end of) & \kbd{M-0 C-k} & \kbd{C-k}\\
sentence & \kbd{C-x DEL} & \kbd{M-k}\\
sexp & \kbd{M-\mbox{}- C-M-k} & \kbd{C-M-k}\\

kill \textbf{region}\hfill\kbd{C-w}\\
copy region to kill ring\hfill\kbd{M-w}\\
kill through next occurrence of \textit{char}\hfill\kbd{M-z} \textit{char}\\
yank back last thing killed\hfill\kbd{C-y}\\
replace last yank with previous kill\hfill\kbd{M-y}

check current word\hfill\kbd{M-\$}

transpose \textbf{characters}\hfill\kbd{C-t}\\
transpose \textbf{words}\hfill\kbd{M-t}\\
transpose \textbf{lines}\hfill\kbd{C-x C-t}\\
transpose \textbf{sexps}\hfill\kbd{C-M-t}

\section{Incremental Search}
search forward\hfill\kbd{C-s}\\
search backward\hfill\kbd{C-r}\\
regular expression search\hfill\kbd{C-M-s}\\
reverse regular expression search\hfill\kbd{C-M-r}\\
select previous search string\hfill\kbd{M-p}\\
select next later search string\hfill\kbd{M-n}\\
exit incremental search\hfill\kbd{RET}\\
undo effect of last character\hfill\kbd{DEL}\\
abort current search\hfill\kbd{C-g}

Repeat \kbd{C-s} or \kbd{C-r} to repeat the search.  If Emacs is still
searching, \kbd{C-g} cancels only the part not matched.

\section{Query Replace}
interactively replace a text string\hfill\kbd{M-\%}\\
using regular expressions\hfill\kbd{C-M-\%}

Valid responses are:

\textbf{replace} this one, go on to next\hfill\kbd{SPC}\\
replace this one, don’t move\hfill\kbd{,}\\
\textbf{skip} to next without replacing\hfill\kbd{DEL}\\
replace all remaining matches\hfill\kbd{!}\\
\textbf{back up} to the previous match\hfill\kbd{\^{}}\\
\textbf{exit} query-replace\hfill\kbd{RET}\\
enter recursive edit (\kbd{C-M-c} to exit)\hfill\kbd{C-r}

\section{Regular Expressions}
any single character except a newline\hfill\kbd{.} (dot)\\
zero or more repeats\hfill\kbd{*}\\
one or more repeats\hfill\kbd{+}\\
zero or one repeat\hfill\kbd{?}\\
quote regular expression special character \textit{c}\hfill\kbd{\textbackslash\itshape c}\\
alternative (“or”)\hfill\kbd{\textbackslash|}\\
grouping\hfill\kbd{\textbackslash( ... )}\\
same text as \textit{n}th group\hfill\kbd{\textbackslash\itshape n}\\
at word break\hfill\kbd{\textbackslash b}\\
not at word break\hfill\kbd{\textbackslash B}

\bfseries entity & \bfseries match start & \bfseries match end\\
line & \kbd{\^{}} & \kbd{\$}\\
word & \kbd{<} & \kbd{>}\\
buffer & \kbd{`} & \kbd{'}\\[.5ex]
\bfseries class of characters & \bfseries match these & \bfseries match others\\
explicit set & \kbd{[ ... ]} & \kbd{[\^{} ... ]}\\
word-syntax character & \kbd{w} & \kbd{W}\\
character with syntax \textit{c} & \kbd{s}\textit{c} & \kbd{S}\textit{c}

find a tag (a definition)\hfill\kbd{M-.}\\
find next occurrence of tag\hfill\kbd{C-u M-.}\\
specify a new tags file\hfill\kbd{M-x visit-tags-table}\\
regexp search all files in tags table\hfill\kbd{M-x tags-search}\\
query-replace in the files\hfill\kbd{M-x tags-query-replace}\\
continue last tags search or query-replace\hfill\kbd{M-,}

indent current \textbf{line} (mode-dependent)\hfill\kbd{TAB}\\
indent \textbf{region} (mode-dependent)\hfill\kbd{C-M-\textbackslash}\\
indent \textbf{sexp} (mode-dependent)\hfill\kbd{C-M-q}\\
indent region rigidly \textit{arg} columns\hfill\kbd{C-x TAB}\\
move rest of line vertically down\hfill\kbd{C-M-o}\\
delete blank lines around point\hfill\kbd{C-x C-o}\\
join line with previous (with arg, next)\hfill\kbd{M-\^{}}\\
delete all white space around point\hfill\kbd{M-\textbackslash}\\
set fill column to \textit{arg}\hfill\kbd{C-x f}\\
set prefix each line starts with\hfill\kbd{C-x .}\\
set face\hfill\kbd{M-o}

\section{Case Change}
uppercase word\hfill\kbd{M-u}\\
lowercase word\hfill\kbd{M-l}\\
capitalize word\hfill\kbd{M-c}\\
uppercase region\hfill\kbd{C-x C-u}\\
lowercase region\hfill\kbd{C-x C-l}

copy rectangle to register\hfill\kbd{C-x r r}\\
kill rectangle\hfill\kbd{C-x r k}\\
yank rectangle\hfill\kbd{C-x r y}\\
open rectangle, shifting text right\hfill\kbd{C-x r o}\\
blank out rectangle\hfill\kbd{C-x r c}\\
prefix each line with a string\hfill\kbd{C-x r t}

\section{Multiple Windows}
When two commands are shown, the second is a similar command for a
frame instead of a window.

delete all other windows & \kbd{C-x 1} & \kbd{C-x 5 1}\\
split window, above and below & \kbd{C-x 2} & \kbd{C-x 5 2}\\
delete this window & \kbd{C-x 0} & \kbd{C-x 5 0}

split window, side by side\hfill\kbd{C-x 3}\\
scroll other window\hfill\kbd{C-M-v}

switch cursor to another window & \kbd{C-x o} & \kbd{C-x 5 o}\\
select buffer in other window & \kbd{C-x 4 b} & \kbd{C-x 5 b}\\
find file in other window & \kbd{C-x 4 f} & \kbd{C-x 5 f}\\
find file read-only in other window & \kbd{C-x 4 r} & \kbd{C-x 5 r}\\
run Dired in other window & \kbd{C-x 4 d} & \kbd{C-x 5 d}\\
find tag in other window & \kbd{C-x 4 .} & \kbd{C-x 5 .}

grow window taller\hfill\kbd{C-x \^{}}\\
shrink window narrower\hfill\kbd{C-x \{}\\
grow window wider\hfill\kbd{C-x \}}

execute a shell command\hfill\kbd{M-!}\\
run a shell command on the region\hfill\kbd{M-|}\\
filter region through a shell command\hfill\kbd{C-u M-|}\\
start a shell in window \kbd{*shell*}\hfill\kbd{M-x shell}

add global abbrev\hfill\kbd{C-x a g}\\
add mode-local abbrev\hfill\kbd{C-x a l}\\
add global expansion for this abbrev\hfill\kbd{C-x a i g}\\
add mode-local expansion for this abbrev\hfill\kbd{C-x a i l}\\
explicitly expand abbrev\hfill\kbd{C-x a e}\\
expand previous word dynamically\hfill\kbd{M-/}

save region in register\hfill\kbd{C-x r s}\\
insert register contents into buffer\hfill\kbd{C-x r i}\\
save value of point in register\hfill\kbd{C-x r SPC}\\
jump to point saved in register\hfill\kbd{C-x r j}

\section{Keyboard Macros}
\textbf{start} defining a keyboard macro\hfill\kbd{C-x (}\\
\textbf{end} keyboard macro definition\hfill\kbd{C-x )}\\
\textbf{execute} last-defined keyboard macro\hfill\kbd{C-x e}\\
append to last keyboard macro\hfill\kbd{C-u C-x (}\\
name last macro\hfill\kbd{M-x name-last-kbd-macro}\\
insert definition in buffer\hfill\kbd{M-x insert-kbd-macro}

The PDF output is on Dropbox. green Emacs wallpaper

Here is an rough example of black background color for Latex cheat sheet as mentioned in your Q.

Based on Gonzalo Medina's Answer to How can I ensure all teletype/monospaced text is in a certain color? plus \pagecolor{black} for background color, \color{yellow} for yellow text and adding \color{cyan} in Redefine section commands segment of latexsheet.tex. For more color options refer xcolor package

Add this section after \usepackage[landscape]{geometry} in

% redefinition of \texttt
% redefinition of \verb
    \verb@eol@error \let\do\@makeother \dospecials


\color{cyan} was added in \section \subsection and \subsubsection renewcommand section at % Redefine section commands to use less space like shown below

{-1ex plus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{0.5ex plus .2ex}%x

enter image description here



