What does breach protocol time bonus affect?

The Breach Protocol time is the amount of time you get to breach a network by completing the network mini puzzle.

I have cyberwear which doubles the time.

Cyberwear mod to add 100% time

This leads to a timer of 70 seconds

70 second breach timer

However, when I remove the mod I only get 30 seconds.

30 second breach timer

According to this wiki the breach protocol time is the time you get to finish the Breach Protocol mini-game.

The Breach Protocol mini-game enables you to hack each network you encounter. While standard quickhacks usually work on single targets, the Breach Protocol quickhack has the unique benefit of affecting all targets in the network.


You can improve, your chances of success in various ways:

  • By extending the breach time (the amount of time you have to complete each puzzle).
  • ...