"I fought the law" softlock mission bug in Cyberpunk 2077

I ended up watching a playthrough of the mission that told me a few things, more importantly what I was missing that was causing this bug. I still needed to talk to River in that scene where we apprehend Detective Han. I drove back to that place and River was there waiting for me, I entered a dialogue with him and the mission continued. The bug was still there though, after I talked to him it was still pathing me to the Red Queen's Race. All I had to do was redirect the map to Elizabeth's place and the mission finished.

Similar, got all the way to convo with River and Han when next objective "Call Elizabeth" popped up but map directed me back to club. To find apartment:

  • Open journal
  • Left click on Elizabeth objective (on the right side of the screen, you can select individual objectives within the mission page)

Map will then direct you there. As you say @mimky quest completion is not bugged luckily!