wget not recognized as internal or external command

I followed this tutorial-> (https://builtvisible.com/download-your-website-with-wget/) and it worked for me. Still, I will give an overview of that, credit: Richard Baxter

  1. for 64bit version download wget from here

  2. move your wget.exe to the Windows directory, which is generally c:\Windows\System32.if you don't know then you can find that either using the $PATH command or by opening your cmd as an administrator and in which path it will open that will be your Windows directory. like this one ->

enter image description here

2.1. Check that you have copied that in a proper place or not, to do that restart your cmd/terminal then type wget -h. if it gives some output related to some commands and their utilities(basically what a help command does) then you are good to go👍.

  1. If you pass the above check, then go to your c:/ directory using cd .., then make a directory called wgetdown using md wgetdown. Now you are all set. use get how ever you want. source https://builtvisible.com/download-your-website-with-wget/

What this simply means is, wget isn’t installed in your windows machine or it is, but hasn’t been added to Windows environmental path.

If you don’t have wget installed, download it from here (32-bit) and here (64-bit).

Extract the files to a folder say C:\wget and then add the folder to Windows environmental path.

wget is a third-party program that doesn't come bundled with Windows, so you need to explicitly install it in order to use it.

You can find (one of) the Windows versions here: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/wget.htm

You will need to add the path of the wget.exe file to your PATH environment variable in order to call the executable as in the batch file above without explicitly specifying the path.

For Windows 10: A good link is available here: https://builtvisible.com/download-your-website-with-wget/

Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin folder and check the .exe file name. For me it was sid.exe so I'm using sid instead of Wget command