Web Api Request Throws "Error while copying content to a stream."

Just a guess, should post as comment but I want include a code snippet:

Maybe you call Post function inside a using block, but don't use await.

using (HttpRequestMessage request = ...)
    // Maybe you use this:

    // Instead of this
    var response = await Post(request);

Or you don't dispose old connects properly.

Also, try add HttpVersion.Version10 to your request, which change header request from Connection: keep-alive to Connection: close, which can cause exception in some case you reuse a host (Search for more info)

request.Version = HttpVersion.Version10;
var jsonString = await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

Because the controller's ActionFilterAttribute's OnActionExecuting method is calling ReadAsStreamAsync, the Content can't be read again. I changed ReadAsStreamAsync to ReadAsStringAsync and the request's Content is available in the controller. Apparantly, ReadAsStringAsync buffers the Content so it's still available. This link provided the answer.