How to set the id attribute of HTML element dynamically with Thymeleaf

There is still another (nice) way to accomplish this.

Assuming you are iterating a list of items as shown below, you can use the following th:id to set the id using the index of the item being iterated.

<th:block th:each="item : ${list}">
  <div class="tab-pane active" th:id="@{|#div-id-${itemStat.count}|}"></div>

This example sets an id on a <div>. Note that itemStat is a fixed name given the iterator name as item.

You have to use th:id attribute:

<form th:id="'myForm' + ${}" class="some class" th:action="@{/doSomething}" method="post">
// *** Other code here ***

Here is how you can use dynamic id with label:

        <th:block th:with="randomId=${#strings.randomAlphanumeric(10)}">
            <input type="checkbox" th:id="${randomId}">
            <label th:for="${randomId}"></label>