Wait for forEach with a promise inside to finish

Try this,

makeTree: function (arr) {
   var promises = [];
   arr.forEach(function(resource) {
   Promise.all(promises).then(function(responses) {
      // responses will come as array of them
      // do something after everything finishes
   }).catch(function(reason) {
      // catch all the errors

You can refer this link for more on Promise.all with simple examples.

Instead of forEach() use map() to create an array of promises and then use Promise.all()

let promiseArr = arr.map(function (resource) {
    // return the promise to array
    return someModule.someFunction(resource).then(function (res) { //a Promise
        //do something with the resource that has been modified with someFunction
        return res;

   // do something after the loop finishes
   // do something when any of the promises in array are rejected

