Get BTC prices on Google Sheets from Google Finance

2022-05-04, the following works on Google Sheets:

=googlefinance("CURRENCY:USDBTC") as well as most combinations of currency and BTC (and ETH, LTC, BNB, XRP, XLM, and ADA), for example GBPBTC and JPYBTC.

=googlefinance("CURRENCY:BTCUSD") works too, in the same combinations of coin and currency.

Although has DOGE and LINK pricing, they don't seem to work the same way in the Sheet's googlefinance function.

You need to have a from and to currency like this:


For historic close price use:


If you want only the price returned use:


As of 2020-08-15 the following formula works well (without any add-ons):


Seems like it works only for BTC and ETH though.