VSCode add parentheses when automcompleting functions

It can be solved by ticking javascript.suggest.completeFunctionCalls property up. Run code snippet to see the gif.

<div style='position:relative; padding-bottom:calc(40.34% + 44px)'><iframe src='https://gfycat.com/ifr/CleverActualHornbill' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' width='100%' height='100%' style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;' allowfullscreen></iframe></div>

Some language extensions allow using ( as a so-called "commit character" to trigger the insertion of a completion item. This works in at least TypeScript, JavaScript and Haxe.

If "editor.autoClosingBrackets" has not been disabled, this will also auto-insert the closing ).

If it doesn't work for a particular language extension, perhaps consider opening a feature request on the repository in question.

For Python when using the Python extension the relevant setting is:
