Submitting feature request for QGIS?

To reporting issues or feature requests on QGIS issue tracking, you need an OSGeo account. Then just login, go to tab New issue and in Tracker option choose Feature request

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Get OSGeo account here:

Also see QGIS documentation for bugs, features and issues


QGIS issues were migrated to GitHub ( For feature request use issue label Feature Request.

You could post it at

as a feature request. But, as copied from an excellent blog post;


Ask a developer to make the changes for you. This is not terribly effective – you’re basically asking someone to work for free, and take time away from their family/job/hobbies/social life to do work for you. That said, it does sometimes happen, and here’s a few reasons I can think of why:

  • You’ve build up enough “karma” within the project through other contributions. If someone has been heavily involved in the non-development side of the project (eg translations, documentation, helping users out on mailing lists/stackexchange, organising hackfests or user groups, etc) then developers are much more likely to want to help them out in turn.

  • You’ve got a fantastic idea which has just never occurred to anyone before. By bringing it to the attention of a developer you might trigger the “wow, I could really benefit from that too!” impulse which is hard-wired into some of us!

It’s a particularly interesting or challenging problem, and sometimes developers just like to extend themselves.


it's more likely you will get it done (for you) when you hire a developer to do this.


