Visualize Church numerals

Retina, 74 67 63 bytes

Byte count assumes ISO 8859-1 encoding.

¶$` |
+`(.+\|) .+$
¶ |

Input is in unary, using any character except linefeeds as the digit.

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We start by turning each unary digit into | (note the trailing spaces). This gives us the second line of the output (plus two trailing spaces if the input is at least 1).


We match the beginning of the string in order to prepend the first line. This is done using some Retina-specific substitution features. $* repeats the character on the right as many times as its left arugment. $.' evaluates the number of characters to the right of the match. Since the match is only the beginning of the string this gives as many - as there are characters in the string and --- appends three more. The is an alias for a linefeed. So now we've got the first two lines.

¶$` |

Now we append the next two lines. We do this by matching the end of the string and appending a linefeed, the entire string again and then | to get the fourth line right.

+`(.+\|) .+$

Time for the applications. The leading + makes Retina repeat this stage until the output stops changing (in this case because the regex no long matches). The regex matches the entire last line, provided it contains a | follows by a space. We capture everything up to the | (which will be the second to last) in group 1. We write the line back with $&, a linefeed, then group 1 (thereby dropping the last |) and then ----.

¶ |

This just adds the final line containing only a single |.


Finally we need to get rid of the trailing spaces on the second line.

JavaScript (ES6), 112 bytes

${(b=` |  `.repeat(n)).slice(0,-2)}
${b} |
${b.replace(/ \|  /g,`$' |----
`)} |`
<input id=i type=number min=0 oninput=o.textContent=f(this.value)>
<pre id=o></pre>

Python, 201 bytes

from pylab import*
p=array(list(' -|\n'))
for k in range(n):l=4*k+5;a[:-k-1,l]=2;a[-k-2,l-3:l+1]=1