Falsify brief truths

Jelly, 8 bytes


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How it works

ṣ0¬¬M¦j0  Main link. Argument: A (list of Booleans)

ṣ0        Split at zeroes. This leaves a 2D list of ones.
  ¬       Negate each 1, replacing it with 0.
     ¦    Conditional application:
    M       Yield all maximal indices.
            In lexicographical list comparison, a shorter list of zeroes is less
            than a longer one, so this identifies the longest runs.
   ¬        Negate the items in those lists, changing zeroes back to ones.
      j0  Join, separating by single zeroes.

Haskell, 59, 58, 55, 64 bytes

import Data.List

Fun note, this works on any list of values where falsy < truthy. So False/True, 0/1, 'f'/'t', etc.


As several people have pointed out (including @proud haskeller and @nimi), the previous version failed on a list of all falsy values. The addition of .([1<2]:) has fixed this, as suggested by @proud haskeller. I'm leaving the explanation the same for now, because I think it still makes sense. If anyone comments, asking for an explanation of the edit, I'll edit.


I'll first desugar without the group, and then add it back. First, I find that words are often easier on the eyes than symbols, so I'll make a few substitutions. (Note that =<< is 'classy' so it applies differently for lists and functions. I'm calling bind the version of =<< for functions.)

bind :: (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a) -> b -> c
bind k f = k =<< f
bind k f = \ r -> k (f r) r

f = ((=<<)=<<(=<<)(<$).(==).maximum)
f = ((bind) concatMap (bind)(<$).equals.maximum)
f = (bind concatMap (bind (<$) . equals . maximum))
f = bind concatMap ((bind (<$)) . equals . maximum))
f = bind concatMap ((\f r -> (<$) (f r) r) . equals . maximum))
f = bind concatMap ((\f r -> (f r) <$ r) . equals . maximum)
f = bind concatMap ((\g r -> (g r) <$ r) . equals . maximum)
f = (\h r -> concatMap (h r) r) ((\g r -> (g r) <$ r) . equals . maximum)
f = \r -> concatMap (((\g r -> (g r) <$ r) . equals . maximum) r) r
f = \r -> concatMap (((\g r -> (g r) <$ r) . equals) (maximum r)) r
f = \r -> concatMap (((\g s -> (g s) <$ s)) (equals (maximum r))) r
f = \r -> concatMap (((\s -> ((equals (maximum r)) s) <$ s))) r
f = \r -> concatMap (\s -> (s == (maximum r)) <$ s) r

f . group = ((=<<)=<<(=<<)(<$).(==).maximum).group
f . group = \r -> concatMap (\s -> (s == (maximum (group r))) <$ s) (group r)

The last details are that x <$ list replaces every element of the list with x and group list splits the list up into chunks of equal elements. So group [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3] == [[1, 1], [2], [3, 3, 3]].

To sum it all up, the function splits the list of values into groups of only true and groups of only false. Then for each group, replace each element with the result of the statement this is the biggest group (the largest group of true's will be the biggest) and concatenate the groups.

Four bytes saved by @Zgarb

Retina, 47 43 36


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Thanks to msh210 for golfing 4 bytes!

Also big thanks to Martin for 7 bytes!



Replace all 0s with !s. This is done to make matching groups of 1s shorter, as now 1! and !1 will have a word boundary (\b) between them, which also matches either the start or the end of the string.


This is a configuration option saying that after applying the regex after the backtick to the input, in every match translate every printable ascii character into a 0 character.


This regex matches groups of 1s that are surrounded by zeroes, but do cannot match a 1 followed by itself anywhere in the string. These are the non-maximal groups that will be falsified. In addition, this also matches the ! characters we added to convert them back into 0s.