Visual Studio 2017 Angular 6 shows "Cannot Get /" First Try Only

I had a similar problem. The reason was I used '#' in a project path.

In my case, I had "C#" in my folder path


Ok so this is kind of embarrassing but I am leaving this here just in case someone runs into the same problem and can't figure it out.

I had copied a bunch of code over from a prototype project and I left out a file that wasn't obvious. How did I find it? The Output window in Visual Studio! None of the other tools showed anything.

Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices:Error: ERROR in src/app/models/user-configuration.model.ts(1,36): error TS2307: Cannot find module './functional-ability.model'.

So I guess the lesson here is this:

  • Cannot GET / seems to be telling you that something is missing

  • The Visual Studio Output window and Error List are your buddies in these, and many other situations.

I'm on the same page and I found my problem with ng build command, You should try that, Probably you find it.