Validating a URL in Node.js

There's a package called valid-url

var validUrl = require('valid-url');

var url = ""
if (validUrl.isUri(url)){
    console.log('Looks like an URI');
else {
    console.log('Not a URI');


npm install valid-url --save

If you want a simple REGEX - check this out

There is no need to use a third party library.

To check if a string is a valid URL

  const URL = require("url").URL;

  const stringIsAValidUrl = (s) => {
    try {
      new URL(s);
      return true;
    } catch (err) {
      return false;

  stringIsAValidUrl(""); //true
  stringIsAValidUrl("invalid"): //false


If you need to restrict the protocol to a range of protocols you can do something like this

const { URL, parse } = require('url');

const stringIsAValidUrl = (s, protocols) => {
    try {
        new URL(s);
        const parsed = parse(s);
        return protocols
            ? parsed.protocol
                ? => `${x.toLowerCase()}:`).includes(parsed.protocol)
                : false
            : true;
    } catch (err) {
        return false;

stringIsAValidUrl('abc://', ['http', 'https']); // false
stringIsAValidUrl('abc://'); // true


Due to parse depreciation the code is simplified a little bit more. To address protocol only test returns true issue, I have to say this utility function is a template. You can adopt it to your use case easily. The above mentioned issue is covered by a simple test of !== ""

const { URL } = require('url');

const stringIsAValidUrl = (s, protocols) => {
    try {
        url = new URL(s);
        return protocols
            ? url.protocol
                ? => `${x.toLowerCase()}:`).includes(url.protocol)
                : false
            : true;
    } catch (err) {
        return false;