Choosing a TSDB for one-off smart-home installation

InfluxDB should be fine with 1 GB RAM at that volume. Embedded sensors and low-power devices like Raspberry Pi's are definitely a core use case, although we haven't done much testing with the latest betas beyond compiling on ARM.

InfluxDB 0.9.0 was just released, and 0.9.x should be available in our Hosted environment in a few weeks. The low end instances have 1 GB RAM and 1 CPU equivalent, so they are a reasonable proxy for your Pi performance, and the free trial lasts two weeks.

If you have more specific questions, please reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected] and we'll see hwo we can help.

ATSD supports ARM architecture and can be installed on a Raspberry Pi 2 to store sensor data. Currently, Ubuntu or Debian OS is required. Be sure that the device has at least 1 GB of RAM and an SD card with high write speed (60mb/s or more). The size of the SD card depends on how much data you want to store and for how long, we recommend at least 16GB, you should plan ahead. Backup batter power is also recommended, to protect against crashes and ungraceful shutdowns.

Here you can find an in-depth guide on setting up a temperature/humidity sensor paired with an Arduino device. Using the guide you will be able to stream the sensor data into ATSD using MQTT or TCP protocol. Open-source sketches are included.

Did you try with OpenTSDB. We are using OpenTSDB for almost 150 houses to collect smart meter data where data is collected every 10 minutes. i.e is a lot of data points in one day. But we haven't tested it in Raspberry pi. For Raspberry pi OpenTSDB might be quite heavy since it needs to run webserver, HBase and Java. Just for suggestions. You can use Raspberry pi as collecting hub for smart home and send the data from Raspberry pi to server and store all the points in the server. Later in the server you can do whatever you want like aggregation, or performing statistical analysis etc. And then you can send results back to the smart hub.