Using the same figure twice with no new number

With caption it's easy to avoid a caption going in the list of figures.


  \caption{#2 (repeated from page \pageref{#1})}%
  \addtocounter{figure}{-1}% So that next figure after the repeat gets the right number.

\newcommand{\fakeimage}{\fbox{Fake image}} % just for the example




\chapter{A chapter title}


\caption{A caption}\label{figure:nice}

\chapter{Another title}


\caption{This is for the new figure}\label{figure:dull}

\repeatcaption{figure:nice}{A caption}


It's up to you whether defining a macro holding the figure to be repeated or one for the caption text.

enter image description here

Here's one way, by stuffing the repeated figure content in a saved\vbox. However, in this case, the repeated figure will not be a float. EDITED to resolve List of Figures issue.


\framebox{first figure}
\caption{First caption}

\framebox{second figure}
\caption{Second caption}

\framebox{third figure}
\caption{Third caption}

Figure 2: Second caption\par}

enter image description here


