How to wrap lines correctly inside algorithmic

algorithmicx obviously wasn't intended to manage paragraph-style text as part of pseudo code. You're going to have to do some of your own legwork in order for it to replicate your requirements:

enter image description here

\settowidth{\whilewidth}{\algorithmicwhile\ }
     \hangindent\whilewidth\strut\algorithmicwhile\ #1\ \algorithmicdo\strut}}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicwhile}%
  \parbox[t]{\dimexpr\linewidth-\algmargin}{\strut #1\strut}}

  \caption{My pseudo code.}
    \While{this line is sooooooooooo long and boring and too much for algorithmic to handle}
      \State look at this state, this state is just too long for algorithmic to display it properly 
      \While{again this line is sooooooooooo long and boring and too much for algorithmic too handle}
        \State look at this state again, this state is just too long for algorithmic to handle, I'm just going to switch to Word
    \parWhile{this line is sooooooooooo long and boring and too much for algorithmic to handle}
        look at this state, this state is just too long for algorithmic to display it properly}
      \parWhile{again this line is sooooooooooo long and boring and too much for algorithmic too handle}
          look at this state again, this state is just too long for algorithmic to handle, I'm just going to switch to Word}

In the above code, \parWhile and \parState define the paragraph-style pseudo-code macros that you're after.