Underlined math operator

Here's a slightly different version: I apply the shortening on both sides, for symmetry.

The shorthening depends on the value given to the parameter \uHomskip.


  \underline{\mkern-\uHomskip Hom\mkern-\uHomskip}


\test{0} \test{0.5} \test{1} \test{1.5} \test{2}


enter image description here

When you decide for the amount you want, just set it in the preamble, for instance

\newmuskip\uHomskip \setlength{\uHomskip}{1.5mu}
  \underline{\mkern-\uHomskip Hom\mkern-\uHomskip}

The advantage of using mu units is that they automatically scale in subscripts/superscripts.

If you don't want the shortening at the left, just remove the relevant kerns:

\newmuskip\uHomskip \setlength{\uHomskip}{1.5mu}

You can add/remove small spaces before and in the underlined material.


enter image description here

this answer is much like steven's, but is a little more reserved about the sizes of the "small spaces".


output of example code