Defining a symbol that scales when used as a subscript

Instead of creating your own symbol, LaTeX has a predefined \textexclamdown that one can use. So, technically, you can do:


amsmath's \text will ensure that the correct size is used, while \raisebox puts the inverted exclamation at the baseline (if you want it that way; similar to what \rotatebox[origin=c]{180} would do for !).

In general, if you wish to have a command vary in its presentation depending on the location where it's used in math mode, then you can consider using \mathchoice (or the wrapper \mathpalette). \mathchoice has the following format:

\mathchoice{<material for display style>}
           {<material for text style>}
           {<material for script style>}
           {<material for scriptscript style>}

So, in your case, you could supply the formatting (sizing and rotation or whatever) to suit your needs. Here's an example of what that means: Consider the hypothetical \somesymbol:

  {a}% \displaystyle
  {b}% \textstyle
  {c}% \scriptstyle
  {d}% \scriptscriptstyle

The above "symbol" definition displays (left is in default \displaystyle, while the right is in forced \textstyle, for comparison):

enter image description here


Specific to your symbol, you may then use (as an example):

  {\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{!}}% \displaystyle
  {\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{!}}% \textstyle
  {\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{\scalebox{.7}{!}}}% \scriptstyle
  {\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{\scalebox{.5}{!}}}% \scriptscriptstyle

which displays as

enter image description here


Here they are together, to show the relative sizing:

enter image description here



  • What is \mathchoice?

  • The mysteries of \mathpalette

Here is a scalerel solution in which ¡ is scaled to the vertical footprint of the ! in the appropriate math style.

\usepackage{amsmath, mathrsfs,scalerel}%


  \antishriek !\]%

enter image description here

Why make things more comples than they are?

\usepackage{amsmath, mathrsfs}%


\[\mathscr{P}^{\antishriek}\quad \Delta_{\mathscr{P}^{\antishriek}}\quad  \antishriek \]%


enter image description here

