typescript + redux: exclude redux props in parent component

You need to split up your props - you'll need a DispatchProps, StateProps, and an OwnProps type. You'll also have to use TypeScript's generics with connect

  • DispatchProps are your action creators.
  • StateProps are your state props (duh) - these come from mapStateToProps - the return type of that function should match this type.
  • OwnProps are props which are accepted (and perhaps expected) by your component. Optional props should be marked as optional in the interface.

The way I do it (without decorators, but i'm sure it applies here) is

interface ComponentDispatchProps {
    doSomeAction: typeof someAction;

interface ComponentStateProps {
    somethingFromState: any;

interface ComponentOwnProps {
    somethingWhichIsRequiredInProps: any;
    somethingWhichIsNotRequiredInProps?: any;

// not necessary to combine them into another type, but it cleans up the next line
type ComponentProps = ComponentStateProps & ComponentDispatchProps & ComponentOwnProps;

class Component extends React.Component<ComponentProps, {}> {...}

function mapStateToProps(state, props) { 
    return { somethingFromState };

export default connect<ComponentStateProps, ComponentDispatchProps, ComponentOwnProps>(

I think you have to use @connect<StateProps, DispatchProps, OwnProps> which will decorate and return a class which accepts OwnProps.

If you look at connects implementation in TS

export declare function connect<TStateProps, TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>(...): ComponentDecorator<TStateProps & TDispatchProps, TOwnProps>

interface ComponentDecorator<TOriginalProps, TOwnProps> {
    (component: ComponentClass<TOriginalProps> | StatelessComponent<TOriginalProps>): ComponentClass<TOwnProps>;

connect<...> returns a ComponentDecorator, which, when passed the component (in your case this is done transparently when transpiling the decorator out), regardless of StateProps, and DispatchProps returns a component which expects OwnProps.

connect (non-generic) returns InferableComponentDecorator

export interface InferableComponentDecorator {
    <P, TComponentConstruct extends (ComponentClass<P> | StatelessComponent<P>)>(component: TComponentConstruct): TComponentConstruct;

which attempts to infer the props based on the props supplied to the component, which in your case is the combination of all props (OwnProps becomes ComponentProps from above).