How do I use a Rails cache to store Nokogiri objects?

Store the xml as string, not the object and parse them once you get them out of the cache.

Edit: response to comment

Cache this instead


Edit2: response to comment. Something along this lines. You will need to post more code if you want more specific help.

nokogiri_object = Nokogiri::XML(cache.fetch('xml_doc'))

Edit3: Response to 'Thanks but what is the code for "Store serialized object in cache"? I thought the body of the "$cache.fetch(url) {" would take care of storing and then retrieving things?'

cache.write('url', xml_or_serialized_nokogiri_string)

User Nokogiri's Serialize functionality:

$cache = 
noko_object =

serial = noko_object.serialize
$cache.write(url, serial)
// Serialized Nokogiri document is now in store at the URL key.
result = $

noko_object =
// noko_object is now the original document again :)

Check out the documentation here for more information.