TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'PosixPath' and 'str'

You cannot use operand + on a PosixPath object. Instead, you should use / when dealing with the pathlib library:

    # before
    cv2.imwrite(path + "/" + "photo.png", img)
    # after
    cv2.imwrite(path / "photo.png", img)

If you look through your type error, it's actually because you're trying to use the + operator on a PosixPath type and a str. You'll need to convert the PosixPath to a string before you can use the imwrite.

Maybe try:

cv2.imwrite(str(path) + "/" + "photo.png", img)

Alternatively, use the proper concatenation as described in the pathlib docs.

First convert the PosixPath object (path) to string:

str(path) + "/" + "photo.png"


