Git failed with a > fatal error. could not read Username for

Simply update your Visual Studio to the latest version. This bug was reported and fixed with the latest updates. Worked for me.

It’s mainly caused by the credentials have been remembered by Credential Manager. You should remove the credentials for which have been stored in Credential Manager.

Such as if the pc’s OS is windows, you can open Credential Manager -> Windows Credentials -> under Generic Credentials -> remove the credentials like git:

enter image description here

Then clone again, git will let you input the credential for the repo. After inputing the username(email address) and password which can access the VSTS account, the repo should be cloned successful.

I did not have any git credentials registered with Windows Credentials and I still received this error, even after selecting my windows user account in the VS User Dialog popup.

After a day of trying different things like re-installing GIT for windows, I managed to fix this issue by deleting a this file: "C:\Users(profile)\AppData\Local\GitCredentialManager\tenant.cache".

On the next retry, a GIT entry showed up in my Windows Credentials generic list. See Issue