Transferring iOS app with iCloud enabled

WARNING: Never use iCloud Entitlements in an app. It's not worth it because it makes your app untransferable and therefore unsaleable forever!

I had enabled iCloud entitlements in some previous build to play around with NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore, and now I can never transfer that app... This is so so so very bad. I have an Android version of the app, ran into no issues with Google Play.

The app must be deleted and re-created with a new SKU/Bundle ID.

Remove the app from sale by going to Pricing > Select Territories > Deselect All

Delete the app under More (to the right of Prerelease, Pricing etc) > Delete App

Create the app under the developer account as a new app with the same name with a new SKU/Bundle ID.

This will delete any reviews/ratings, gamecenter data, iCloud data, and any other data linked to that app. You'll have to recreate any in app purchases you had.

Same here. I was just using NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore to allow the user to share some settings across devices. Now all my users who paid for the app will not receive any more updates, my 4.5 star ratings will be gone, etc. I am super frustrated and this will cost me a lot of money.

I have written an article about his on, so feel free to share it in your professional networks if you feel this could help fellow developers to not run into this trap.