How to compile project with Google Checkstyle rules with gradle?

You can add this configuration into your build.gradle file:

configurations {

dependencies {

tasks.withType(Checkstyle) {
  checkstyleClasspath = project.configurations.checkstyleOverride


The problem lies in the fact that was indeed added to checkstyle but for version 6.4-SNAPSHOT. As it can be seen in checkstyle repository (pom.xml history) version 6.4-SNAPSHOT was introduced on the 02.02.2015 and EmptyCatchBlockCheck class was created on 18.02.2015.

Gradle still uses version 6.3 as in the following log extract:


So there's simply no class You'd like to use.

According to the docs checkstyle classpath can be specified with checkstyleClasspath property - you can try to set it up manually.

I've also prepared a demo with 6.4-SNAPSHOT version, it can be found here. Checkstyle jar was built with mvn clean package with source taken from this repo.