The state information is invalid for this page and might be corrupted. (Only in IE)

Ok, so here is the solution/hack i came up with. My problem was that adding a user control dynamically (through ajax request) onto page was changing the view state of the page and was throwing an exception. Upon research I found out that viewstate stores the state of a page (properties and settings). Once you return the controls html from a web service, there is going to be some sort of viewstate stored onto page. And when you post back to the server, it will throw an exception when it decrypt the viewstae to rebuild the page. I have simply removed those controls (which got added dynamically) on page post back using jquery and problem got solved.

//In my case "VendorListDropDownSearchable", causes the page post back.
    $("#VendorListDropDownSearchable").change( function () {
        $("#UserControl1DIV").remove(); //removing the place holder holding control1
        $("#UserControl2DIV").remove(); //same as above

I know this has been answered but here are a couple of other options:

1). If you're doing a web service call via jquery .load() you can just remove the viewstate upon return using loads callback parameter

$('#myDiv').load('/MyPage.aspx', null, function(){ 
     $('.aspNetHidden', this).remove(); // removes viewstate from returned aspx html

2). Using the Html Agility Pack You can do this same thing in a web service before rendering the returned control. Assume you're calling a web service which loads a UserControl.ascx in the service and then renders it's html before returning.

[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetControlHtml()

// do stuff to get the control you want


Page page = new Page();
HtmlForm form = new HtmlForm();
var ctl = (MyControlsNameSpace.Controls.MyControl)page.LoadControl("Controls\\MyControl.ascx");

StringWriter result = new StringWriter();
HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute(page, result, false);

// Extension Method RemoveViewStateFromControl
var MyControlsHTML = result.RemoveViewStateFromControl();
return MyControlsHTML;



// In an extensions class....
public static string RemoveViewStateFromExecuteControl(this StringWriter writer)
        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument Doc = new HtmlDocument();
        var Divs = Doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div");
        if (Divs != null)
            foreach (var Tag in Divs)
                if (Tag.Attributes["class"] != null)
                    if (string.Compare(Tag.Attributes["class"].Value, "aspNetHidden", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)

        return Doc.DocumentNode.OuterHtml;