Table Frames beyond simple lines

Perhaps tikz can help here


Of course, because it's tikz, you can get much more adventurous with your affects if you want to.




\tikz\node[draw=red,thick,double,inner sep=1pt]{
A & B\\
C & D\\


If you'd like to apply the idea to every tabular, then you could use the etoolbox, perhaps something like the following- note the gradient shading :)

enter image description here



\BeforeBeginEnvironment{tabular}{\tikzpicture\node[draw=red,thick,double,inner sep=1pt,top color=blue,bottom color=yellow]\bgroup}


  A & B\\
  C & D\\


Perhaps you'd like rounded corners

\BeforeBeginEnvironment{tabular}{\tikzpicture\node[rounded corners=3pt,draw=red,thick,double,inner sep=1pt,top color=blue,bottom color=yellow]\bgroup}

enter image description here

You could even go completely crazy and surround the tabular in a circle or a star, but I'll leave that up to you :)

The possibilities are limited only by imagination- have fun, and check out the manual for more ideas and options.

You could be interested in the features provided by the tabu package: a simple example:



\begin {tabu}{|[5pt cyan!60!black]c|[5pt red!60!black] c|[5pt cyan!60!black]}
A & B \\
C & D \\
\end {tabu}


enter image description here

Besides the TikZ solution where you can create very interesting  tables, there is the hhline package which is suited for just  tables.


    A & B \\ \hhline{|--|}
    C & D \\ \hhline{#==#}

    A & B \\ \hhline{||--||}
    C & D \\ \hhline{|b:==:b|}


enter image description here

