How to create new counter of equation

This can be done using a newenvironment and the amsmath to help with the tagging


I have defined the matriz environment in terms of the equation environment, and tagged it with a new counter; you can use \label and \eqref as usual.



 y = x

 y = \frac{1}{x}

The of next matriz equation is 1. \eqref{test}
y = \sqrt x


amsmath with more than equation

I'd go a broader approach …

The following codes uses the environment m and its mandatory argument to use any amsmath environment (that introduces displayed math-mode) in combination with the matrix counter.

The etoolbox helps to redefine the macros \print@eqnum and \incr@eqnum. An alternative is given in the commented part of the code.

Without cmhughes’ solution the actual equation environment still uses \print@eqnum with \theequation but \incr@eqnum with matrix.




        \patchcmd{\@arrayparboxrestore}{equation}{matrix}{}{}%          doesn't change output?
%       \def\print@eqnum{\tagform@\thematrix}%                          instead of etoolbox' \pathcmd
%       \def\incr@eqnum{\refstepcounter{matrix}\let\incr@eqnum\@empty}% instead of etoolbox' \pathcmd
    \csname end\mymathenvironmenttouse\endcsname%

 y = x

 y = \frac{1}{x}

The of next matriz equation is \ref{eq:M1}.
 y = \sqrt x \label{eq:M1}

 y = \frac{1}{x}

 y & = \sqrt x \\
 z & = y^2

 y & = \sqrt x & \quad\text{col2l} & = \text{col2r} & \quad\text{col3l} & = \text{col3r} \\
 z & = y^2 & & & &

 y = \sqrt x


enter image description here

Sans-amsmath solution (without eqnarray)




    \def\@eqnnum{{\normalfont \normalcolor (\thematrix)}}%


 y = x

 y = \frac{1}{x}

The of next matriz equation is \ref{eq:m1}.

y = \sqrt x

 y = x

y = \sqrt x


enter image description here