Swift Codable Decode Manually Optional Variable

In my model, what I did is

var title: String?


title = try container.decode(String?.self, forKey: .age)

rather than

name = try? container.decode(String.self, forKey: .age)

For example for some reason backend passes a numeric value for that key, like title: 74. With the 1st method, you will get error message like this (I wrote a unit test for my model), and you can pinpoint the problem quickly

enter image description here

However, With the 2nd method try?, this useful error message will be silenced and will not bubble up. You will still get a valid decoding result title = nil, which actually is not true in most cases, if only null from backend is supposed to yield a nil.

But of course, if you design is that no matter what is retrieved from backend, as long as the type does not match, it will be a nil. Then I think there shouldn't be any problem with the 1st method.

Age is optional:

let age: String? 

So try to decode in this way:

let age: String? = try values.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .age)