Can I run two ongoing npm commands in 1 terminal

You could run one process in the background with & (one ampersand, not two) but that would require you to manage it manually, which would be rather tedious. For details see What does ampersand mean at the end of a shell script line?.

For that use-case someone built concurrently, which makes it simple to run processes in parallel and keep track of their output.

npm install --save-dev concurrently

And your start script becomes:

"start": "concurrently 'npm run webpack' 'npm run server'"

If you want to make the output a little prettier you can give the processes names with -n and colours with -c, for example:

"start": "concurrently -n 'webpack,server' -c 'bgBlue.bold,bgGreen.bold' 'npm run webpack' 'npm run server'"

Its easy actually, use & instead of && if you don't want to wait for the first one to finish. By adding & to the end of a command, you tell to execute in the background.

Simple example

npm run webpack & npm run server

Advanced example: I run 2 watchers (1 is a vue app, the second is a scss/js theme folder) in 1 window in 2 different folders actually. So a combination of double && and single &

(cd ~/some-path && yarn encore dev --watch) & (cd ~/some-other-path/ && yarn run dev)

The output of both watchers is mixed but is no problem actually. Only readability will decrease.

One downside is that when you hit ctrl-c to stop the processes like you used to do, it only closes the currently running non-background task. The first is running in background because it was followed by &. So if you want to stop both processes, just close the terminal window and both will be finished.

Or hit ctrl-c to stop the open process followed by following command to:

kill the last background process:

kill %1


kill the last command

kill $!