Subversion in Intellij keeps asking for authentication

When I checkout the project, I have to set a few options such as directory location, subversion version. I checked the 1.7 version instead of the 1.8 one and it worked. So I guess it was something to do with using the wrong version of subversion. This was on windows 7, intellij 13.1.4

Hope it helps

You can go to the svn console and perform any svn command like:

svn list

Then svn promt password and ask if you want to save password. If you save password, Intellij will see the password too.

In IntelliJ, the problem can be solved using the following steps for the following versions.

IntelliJ 2018.1

  • Go to Settings -> Version Control -> Subversion
  • Check the option Enable interactive mode.

IntelliJ 14

  • Go to Settings -> Version Control -> Subversion
  • Uncheck the option Use command line client.