How to find usages using Eclipse IDE?


  1. Select a word (class name, method name, variable name, etc.)
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+G


  1. Select a word (class name, method name, variable name, etc.)
  2. Press Alt+Cmd+G (++G)

Try right-click on MyClassand then References->Workspace. I think this might be what you're looking for.

Also works on methods, variables etc.

Right click on Myclass, find references in project|workspace.

Open call hierarchy, open inheritance hierarchy.

For your case, I think both of (Ctrl +Shift+G) and (Ctrl +Alt+H) work.

To make it more clear:

  • (Ctrl +Shift+G) is shortkey for Search->References->workspace

  • Ctrl +Alt+H is short key for Call hierarchy.

Some other useful short keys like:

  • (Ctrl+G) : Search->Declaration->worksapce
  • (Alt+Left) : Back position
  • (Alt+Right) : Forward position


