String variable interpolation Java

If you're using Java 5 or higher, you can use String.format:

urlString += String.format("u1=%s;u2=%s;u3=%s;u4=%s;", u1, u2, u3, u4);

See Formatter for details.

Just to add that there is also java.text.MessageFormat with the benefit of having numeric argument indexes.

Appending the 1st example from the documentation

int planet = 7;
String event = "a disturbance in the Force";

String result = MessageFormat.format(
    "At {1,time} on {1,date}, there was {2} on planet {0,number,integer}.",
    planet, new Date(), event);


At 12:30 PM on Jul 3, 2053, there was a disturbance in the Force on planet 7.

Note that there is no variable interpolation in Java. Variable interpolation is variable substitution with its value inside a string. An example in Ruby:


age = 34
name = "William"

puts "#{name} is #{age} years old"

The Ruby interpreter automatically replaces variables with its values inside a string. The fact, that we are going to do interpolation is hinted by sigil characters. In Ruby, it is #{}. In Perl, it could be $, % or @. Java would only print such characters, it would not expand them.

Variable interpolation is not supported in Java. Instead of this, we have string formatting.

package com.zetcode;

public class StringFormatting 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        int age = 34;
        String name = "William";

        String output = String.format("%s is %d years old.", name, age);

In Java, we build a new string using the String.format() method. The outcome is the same, but the methods are different.


Edit As of 2019, JEP 326 (Raw String Literals) was withdrawn and superseded by multiple JEPs eventually leading to JEP 378: Text Blocks delivered in Java 15.

A text block is a multi-line string literal that avoids the need for most escape sequences, automatically formats the string in a predictable way, and gives the developer control over the format when desired.

However, still no string interpolation:

Non-Goals: … Text blocks do not directly support string interpolation. Interpolation may be considered in a future JEP. In the meantime, the new instance method String::formatted aids in situations where interpolation might be desired.