Should I recommend sealing classes by default?

Okay, as so many other people have weighed in...

Yes, I think it's entirely reasonable to recommend that classes are sealed by default.

This goes along with the recommendation from Josh Bloch in his excellent book Effective Java, 2nd edition:

Design for inheritance, or prohibit it.

Designing for inheritance is hard, and can make your implementation less flexible, especially if you have virtual methods, one of which calls the other. Maybe they're overloads, maybe they're not. The fact that one calls the other must be documented otherwise you can't override either method safely - you don't know when it'll be called, or whether you're safe to call the other method without risking a stack overflow.

Now if you later want to change which method calls which in a later version, you can't - you'll potentially break subclasses. So in the name of "flexibility" you've actually made the implementation less flexible, and had to document your implementation details more closely. That doesn't sound like a great idea to me.

Next up is immutability - I like immutable types. I find them easier to reason about than mutable types. It's one reason why the Joda Time API is nicer than using Date and Calendar in Java. But an unsealed class can never be known to be immutable. If I accept a parameter of type Foo, I may be able to rely on the properties declared in Foo not to be changed over time, but I can't rely on the object itself not being modified - there could be a mutable property in the subclass. Heaven help me if that property is also used by an override of some virtual method. Wave goodbye to many of the benefits of immutability. (Ironically, Joda Time has very large inheritance hierarchies - often with things saying "subclasses should be immutable. The large inheritance hierarchy of Chronology made it hard to understand when porting to C#.)

Finally, there's the aspect of overuse of inheritance. Personally I favour composition over inheritance where feasible. I love polymorphism for interfaces, and occasionally I use inheritance of implementation - but it's rarely a great fit in my experience. Making classes sealed avoids them being inappropriately derived from where composition would be a better fit.

EDIT: I'd also like to point readers at Eric Lippert's blog post from 2004 on why so many of the framework classes are sealed. There are plenty of places where I wish .NET provided an interface we could work to for testability, but that's a slightly different request...

It is my opinion that architectural design decisions are made to communicate to other developers (including future maintenance developers) something important.

Sealing classes communicates that the implementation should not be overridden. It communicates that the class should not be impersonated. There are good reasons to seal.

If you take the unusual approach of sealing everything (and this is unusual), then your design decisions now communicate things that are really not important - like that the class wasn't intended to be inherited by the original/authoring developer.

But then how would you communicate to other developers that the class should not be inherited because of something? You really can't. You are stuck.

Also, sealing a class doesn't improve readability. I just don't see that. If inheritance is a problem in OOP development, then we have a much larger problem.

I'd like to think that I'm a reasonably-experienced programmer and, if I've learned nothing else, it's that I am remarkably bad at predicting the future.

Typing sealed is not hard, I just don't want to irritate a developer down the road (who could be me!) who discovers that a problem could be easily solved with a little inheritance.

I also have no idea how sealing a class makes it more readable. Are you trying to force people to prefer composition to inheritance?




