ssh-agent and crontab -- is there a good way to get these to meet?

In addition...

If your key have a passhphrase, keychain will ask you once (valid until you reboot the machine or kill the ssh-agent).

keychain is what you need! Just install it and add the follow code in your .bash_profile:

keychain ~/.ssh/id_dsa

So use the code below in your script to load the ssh-agent environment variables:

. ~/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh

Note: keychain also generates code to csh and fish shells.

Copied answer from

I had a similar problem. My script (that relied upon ssh keys) worked when I ran it manually but failed when run with crontab.

Manually defining the appropriate key with

ssh -i /path/to/key

didn't work.

But eventually I found out that the SSH_AUTH_SOCK was empty when the crontab was running SSH. I wasn't exactly sure why, but I just

env | grep SSH

copied the returned value and added this definition to the head of my crontab.


I'm out of depth as to what's happening here, but it fixed my problem. The crontab runs smoothly now.

When you run ssh-agent -s, it launches a background process that you'll need to kill later. So, the minimum is to change your hack to something like:

eval `ssh-agent -s` 
svn stuff

However, I don't understand how this hack is working. Simply running an agent without also running ssh-add will not load any keys. Perhaps MacOS' ssh-agent is behaving differently than its manual page says it does.