Is it bad to rely on foreign key cascading?

I would say that you follow the principle of least surprise.

Cascading deletes should not cause unexpected loss of data. If a delete requires related records to be deleted, and the user needs to know that those records are going to go away, then cascading deletes should not be used. Instead, the user should be required to explicitly delete the related records, or be provided a notification.

On the other hand, if the table relates to another table that is temporary in nature, or that contains records that will never be needed once the parent entity is gone, then cascading deletes may be OK.

That said, I prefer to state my intentions explicitly by deleting the related records in code, rather than relying on cascading deletes. In fact, I've never actually used a cascading delete to implicitly delete related records. Also, I use soft deletion a lot, as described by cletus.

I never use cascading deletes. Why? Because it is too easy to make a mistake. Much safer to require client applications to explicitly delete (and meet the conditions for deletion, such as deleting FK referred records.)

In fact, deletions per se can be avoided by marking records as deleted or moving into archival/history tables.

In the case of marking records as deleted, it depends on the relative proportion of marked as deleted data, since SELECTs will have to filter on 'isDeleted = false' an index will only be used if less than 10% (approximately, depending on the RDBMS) of records are marked as deleted.

Which of these 2 scenarios would you prefer:

  1. Developer comes to you, says "Hey, this delete won't work". You both look into it and find that he was accidently trying to delete entire table contents. You both have a laugh, and go back to what you were doing.

  2. Developer comes to you, and sheepishly asks "Do we have backups?"

There's another great reason to not use cascading UPDATES or DELETES: they hold a serializable lock. Holding a serializable lock can kill performance.

I'll preface this by saying that I rarely delete rows period. Generally most data you want to keep. You simply mark it as deleted so it won't be shown to users (ie to them it appears deleted). Of course it depends on the data and for some things (eg shopping cart contents) actually deleting the records when the user empties his or her cart is fine.

I can only assume that the issue here is you may unintentionally delete records you don't actually want to delete. Referential integrity should prevent this however. So I can't really see a reason against this other than the case for being explicit.