SQL Server - Running large script files

Adding to Gulzar Nazim's answer: If you still get a failure, try specifying the codepage of your SQL file using option -f:

sqlcmd -S myServer\instanceName -d databaseName -i C:\myScript.sql -f 65001

I was trying to import a .dump file from SQLite (UTF-8 by default), and sqlcmd kept throwing an error after encountering the first special character. -f 65001 fixed it for me.

This tool (Big SQL Script File Runner) on CodePlex will run any size script file with log and GUI.

use the sqlcmd tool to execute the file..

sqlcmd -S myServer\instanceName -i C:\myScript.sql

In case your have an unexplained "script error" for large sql files (> 100MB) which includes several INSERT, just replace "INSERT INTO" by "GO INSERT INTO" in your file, which will reduce size of transaction.