Managing constructors with many parameters in Java

Can you encapsulate related parameters inside an object?

e.g., if parameters are like

MyClass(String house, String street, String town, String postcode, String country, int foo, double bar) {
  super(String house, String street, String town, String postcode, String country); = foo; = bar;

then you could instead have:

MyClass(Address homeAddress, int foo, double bar) {
  super(homeAddress); = foo; = bar;

The Builder Design Pattern might help. Consider the following example

public class StudentBuilder
    private String _name;
    private int _age = 14;      // this has a default
    private String _motto = ""; // most students don't have one

    public StudentBuilder() { }

    public Student buildStudent()
        return new Student(_name, _age, _motto);

    public StudentBuilder name(String _name)
        this._name = _name;
        return this;

    public StudentBuilder age(int _age)
        this._age = _age;
        return this;

    public StudentBuilder motto(String _motto)
        this._motto = _motto;
        return this;

This lets us write code like

Student s1 = new StudentBuilder().name("Eli").buildStudent();
Student s2 = new StudentBuilder()
                 .motto("Aloha, Mr Hand")

If we leave off a required field (presumably name is required) then we can have the Student constructor throw an exception. And it lets us have default/optional arguments without needing to keep track of any kind of argument order, since any order of those calls will work equally well.

