Specify multiple rdf:types in a SPARQL query

Much faster than the FILTER IN function is the use of BINDINGS. I would highly recommend using something along the lines of the following query rather than the FILTER(?type IN (wo:Kingdon, wo:Phylum).

SELECT * WHERE { ?x rdf:type ?type } BINDINGS ?type {(prefix:type1) (prefix:type2)}

Using BINDINGS allows the SPARQL engine to limit results as it is being processed rather than returning all results before filtering them. This makes returning the results much faster.

You could use UNION e.g.

PREFIX prefix: <http://example.org/ns#>
    { ?x a prefix:type1 } UNION { ?x a prefix:type2 }

Note the use of a which is a SPARQL keyword that may be used in the predicate position and corresponds to the RDF type URI http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type

There are other ways to do this such as using FILTER clauses with various expressions:

  • Series of ?type = prefix:type1 combined with the conditional or operator ||
  • ?type IN (prefix:type1, prefix:type2)

Or you could use a VALUES clause to specify the options for ?type

These may be better if your query is more complex and you don't want to duplicate much of the query onto both sides of the UNION or have more that two possibilites to consider.

As Joshua mentioned, the accepted answer is no longer accurate in SPARQL 1.1.

In SPARQL 1.1, the VALUES keyword can be used but the syntax looks more complicated for use-cases like this one. However, you can write that in compact form as well:

  VALUES ?type { prefix:Type1 prefix:Type2 }
  ?x rdf:type ?type


