Call two functions from same onclick

Add semi-colons ; to the end of the function calls in order for them both to work.

 <input id="btn" type="button" value="click" onclick="pay(); cls();"/>

I don't believe the last one is required but hey, might as well add it in for good measure.

Here is a good reference from SitePoint

onclick="pay(); cls();"

however, if you're using a return statement in "pay" function the execution will stop and "cls" won't execute,

a workaround to this:

onclick="var temp = function1();function2(); return temp;"

You can create a single function that calls both of those, and then use it in the event.

function myFunction(){

And then, for the button:

<input id="btn" type="button" value="click" onclick="myFunction();"/>

You can call the functions from inside another function

<input id ="btn" type="button" value="click" onclick="todo()"/>

function todo(){
pay(); cls();