Sort these James Bond ratings

Retina, 201 197 191

G`^1+ (Barry Nelson|Bob Simmons|Sean Connery|Roger Moore|David Niven|George Lazenby|Timothy Dalton|Pierce Brosnan|Daniel Craig)$

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6 bytes saved thanks to Martin!

Whee, bubble sort with regex. Note that ten bytes are spent doing decimal to unary conversion at the beginning, if unary input is OK then that isn't needed. Also, if numbers can't be in people's names, then a couple more bytes can be saved by moving the line that removes non-Bond actors to the end and removing the 1+ (untested with \D version).


A Retina program is made up of several stages, so I will explain each stage separately.

Stage 1:


Replaces the numbers in the input with unary. This uses Retina's special replacement token: $* which repeats the character after a number of times equal to the preceding token's base 10 value.

Stage 2:

G`^1+ (Barry Nelson|Bob Simmons|Sean Connery|Roger Moore|David Niven|George Lazenby|Timothy Dalton|Pierce Brosnan|Daniel Craig)$

The stuff before a ` in a stage changes the mode being used. This turns on grep mode, which means that each line that doesn't match the regex is discarded. The anchors are necessary to prevent near matches from slipping by.

Stage 3:


This is the sorting stage. The + in the mode signifies that this stage should be repeated until the replacement makes no change when applied (i.e. we reach a fixed point). The regex finds a word boundry, followed by some number of 1s and then all the rest of the line up to the newline. Then, if the next line has more 1s than it, the regex will match and we swap the lines.

Stage 4:


This stage uses the + mode again, but also uses s to make the . meta-character also match newlines. This removes duplicate lines, by matching for exact duplicates after the 1s and capturing the stuff after the first duplicate to replace the whole match with it. This will work without needing to consider the order of tie breaking, because the names are already sorted appropriately, with the larger numbers above, therefore we will always keep the smaller values.

Stage 5:


Really simple one here, everything is in order, except we have a bunch of 1s in front of our Bonds, so we replace them and the space after them with nothing.

TSQL 426 bytes (includind data + input)

Golfed solution:

create table A(Name varchar(99))insert into A values('Barry Nelson'),('Bob Simmons'),('Sean Connery'),('Roger Moore'),('David Niven'),('George Lazenby'),('Timothy Dalton'),('Pierce Brosnan'),('Daniel Craig')declare @I as table (R int, N varchar(99))insert into @I values(3,'Sean Connery'),(2,'Pierce Brosnan'),(1,'Sean Connery')select N from(select N,min(R) R from @I where N in (select N from A) group by N) x order by R desc

Try it here

SQL excels (no pun intended) in this kind of task: relating sets, ordering, cutting off duplicates etc.

All you need is to create and populate a table of Actors like this:

create table Actor (Name varchar(99))
insert into Actor values
 ('Barry Nelson')
,('Bob Simmons')
,('Sean Connery')
,('Roger Moore')
,('David Niven')
,('George Lazenby')
,('Timothy Dalton')
,('Pierce Brosnan')
,('Daniel Craig')

Now if we use a table-variable as input we just need to get the intersection of both sets. Removing duplicates and ordering in SQL are really easy.

Example 1:

declare @Input as table (Rnk int, Name varchar(99))
insert into @Input values
 (1,'Sean Connery')
,(2,'Emma Watson')
,(5,'Timothy Dalton')
,(4,'Roger Moore')
,(3,'Daniel Craig')

select Name
    select Name, min(Rnk) as R
    from @Input
    where Name in (select Name from Actor)
    group by Name
) x
order by R desc

Example 2:

declare @Input as table (Rnk int, Name varchar(99))
insert into @Input values
 (2,'Timothy Dalton')
,(4,'George Lazenby')
,(5,'George Lazenby')
,(3,'Bob Simmons')

select Name
    select Name, min(Rnk) as R
    from @Input
    where Name in (select Name from Actor)
    group by Name
) x
order by R desc

The golfed version is just the full thing for example input 3

As a plus this SQL can work for older DBMS versions (even be rewrite to ANSI SQL) and run without problem in older computers than most languages.

Perl, 242 179 217 bytes

print reverse grep{/^(Barry Nelson|Bob Simmons|Sean Connery|Roger Moore|David Niven|George Lazenby|Timothy Dalton|Pierce Brosnan|Daniel Craig)$/&&!$s{$_}++}map{s/\d+ //;$_}sort{($a=~/(\d+)/)[0]<=>($b=~/(\d+)/)[0]}<>;

Nicer formatted version, with comments:

     # reverse ranking order
     # filter entries...
     grep {
         # only actual bonds
         /^(Barry Nelson|Bob Simmons|Sean Connery|Roger Moore|David Niven|George Lazenby|Timothy Dalton|Pierce Brosnan|Daniel Craig)$/
         # only new bonds
         && !$s{$_}++
     } map {s/\d+ //;$_}         # remove leading digits+space
     # sort according to embedded numbers
     sort {($a=~/(\d+)/)[0] <=> ($b=~/(\d+)/)[0]}
     <>;                        # slurp input as list (list context)

Most of the size is the list of Bonds; I can't find a nice way of compressing that regex without allowing false positives.