A small language deserves a small interpreter

Ruby, 182 bytes

$h=Hash.new 0
def r(c)c.scan(/(([^!?^<>]*)(<(\g<1>*)>|[!?^]))/){$4?($1=~/(.*?)<(.*)>/
r IO.read *$*

Try it like this:

$ cat code

$ ruby lynn.rb code
3                           <-- input
6                           <-- output

How it works

The r function tokenizes an input string and executes each token:

def r(c)

We look for some variable name $2 matching [^!?^<>]*, followed by either

  • <...> where ... matches zero or more programs (\g is recursion), in which case $4 isn't nil
  • A !, ?, or ^ character, captured by $3, in which case $4 is nil.

Then the logic for executing a token is quite simple when indenting it a bit:

$4 ? (                                    # If it's a loop:
    $1 =~ /(.*?)<(.*)>/                   #   Re-match token*
    ($h[$1]-=1; r $2) while $h[$1] > 0    #   Recurse to run loop
) :                                       # Else:
    $3 < ?"                               #   If it's an !:
      ? p($h[$2])                         #     Print the var
      : $h[$2] +=                         #   Else, increment it by:
          $3 < ?@                         #     If it's a ?:
              ? STDIN.gets.to_i           #       User input
              : 1                         #     Else: 1

* There's an oniguruma bug, I think, that keeps me from simply using $3 here.