Sloping Binary Numbers

JavaScript (ES6), 53 bytes


0-indexed. It's not often I get to use a recursive function as a parameter to map.

Mathematica, 46 bytes


Unnamed function taking a nonnegative integer # as input and returning the 0-index sequence up to the #th term. Constructs the sloping binary numbers using BitAnd (bitwise "and") with appropriate powers of 2.

Jelly, 11 bytes


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ḤḶBUz0ŒDUḄḣ    Main link. Argument: n
Ḥ              Double the argument. This ensures there are enough
               rows, since n + log2(n) <= 2n.
 Ḷ             Get range [0 .. 2n-1].
  B            Convert each number to binary.
   U           Reverse each list of digits. 
    z0         Transpose, padding with zeroes to a rectangle.
      ŒD       Get the diagonals of the rectangle, starting from the
               main diagonal. This gets the desired numbers, reversed,
               in binary, with some extras that'll get dropped.
        U      Reverse each diagonal.
         Ḅ     Convert each diagonal from binary to a number.
          ḣ    Take the first n numbers.

The transpose is the simplest way to pad the array for the diagonals builtin to work. Then the reverses are added to get everything in the correct order.