Show list of work items I am following in VSTS?

This does exist in Azure DevOps under Boards -> Work Items. Furthermore, you can create your own query. For example, I have a query that displays to a user all items they created and includes any items they are following. Set the field to ID, the Operator to In, and the Value to @Follows. Basically stating, "Show me items where the ID is in my list of items I am following."

Azure DevOps Query

In Azure DevOps it is on Boards -> Work Items, then in dropdown list select "Following".

Boards -> Work Items -> Following

This feature that @Eddie mentioned for VSTS is now available!

You can find the query

WORK > Queries > Followed work items

Followed work items in Visual Studio Team Services

Late 2019, there is updated UI, you find it on your home screen, then click an organization, and it's right there under "My Work Items"

How to see Following in VS