Reset checkbox checked state go back from history

Try adding something like this:

$( document ).ready(function() {
  $("#m").prop('checked',false );

$( document ).ready(function() {
  $("#m").prop('checked',false );
#n {
  display: none;
#m:checked ~ #n {
  display: block;
<script src=""></script>
<label for="m">Menu</label>
<input id="m" type="checkbox">
<nav id="n">
    <li><a href="//">Link 1</a></li>

No need for JS or CSS, just add autocomplete="off" to the checkbox. This will prevent the browser from caching the 'checked' status.


Also, if you have multiple checkboxes, I beleive you can add autocomplete="off" to the form element to apply the effect to all inputs fields.

Further to the other comments, if you are writing an AJAX driven page that uses pushState/replaceState, and the back button would not actually reload a page (i.e. no HTTP request), you can listen for the popState event and clear the checkbox.

window.onpopstate = function(event) {
   $("#m").prop('checked',false );

It's a HTML 5 feature that's not fully supported across all browsers (although support is pretty good)

Other options would be to use libraries like history.js, jquery-bbq, sammyjs, and so on.