Serving static files with restify

According to my current restify version (v5.2.0)

the serveStatic has been moved into plugins, so the code would be like this

    directory: './static',

Syntax above will serve your static files on folder static. So you can get the static file like

For some reason if you want to serve the static files under specific path like this for example.

The code should be refactored into this

    directory: `${app_root}/static`,
    appendRequestPath: false

The option appendRequestPath: false above means we dont include assets path into the file name

From the documentation:

server.get(/\/docs\/public\/?.*/, restify.plugins.serveStatic({
  directory: './public'

But this will search files in the ./public/docs/public/ directory.
If you want to not append request path to it, use appendRequestPath: false option.

I prefer to use __dirname key here:

server.get(/\/public\/?.*/, restify.plugins.serveStatic({
    directory: __dirname 

The value of __dirname is equal to script file directory path, which assumed to be also a folder, where is public directory.

And now we map all /public/.* urls to ./public/ directory.

Now also exists serveStaticFiles plugin:

server.get('/public/*', // don't forget the `/*`
); // GET /public/index.html -> ./doc/v1/index.html file