SELECT INTO OUTFILE permission denied but the user can write to the directory

This may be caused by mysql user permissions.

As stated here

To give yourself FILE privilege, do the following:

  1. service mysql restart --skip-networking --skip-grant-tables
  2. mysql <hit enter>
  3. UPDATE mysql.user SET File_priv = 'Y' WHERE user='lea' AND host='localhost';
  4. exit
  5. service mysql restart

The linux user can write a file. But the mysql service may be blocked by apparmor.

Check this file: /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld.

Add your project folder there:

/usr/sbin/mysqld {
    /home/datam/xfers/online/ r,
    /home/datam/xfers/online/* rw

Finally, do a

sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor reload

On modern systems mariaDB & mysql gets installed with systemd support. Among other things, it has this setting in /etc/systemd/system/mysql.service:

Prevent accessing /home, /root and /run/user


That's what stops it from writing in /home.