Angularjs Bootstrap modal closing call when clicking outside/esc

Yes you can. It causes a dismiss event and the promise is rejected in that case. Also, note that the $ method returns an object that has a result property that is a promise.

With the promise you can...

//This will run when modal dismisses itself when clicked outside or
//when you explicitly dismiss the modal using .dismiss function.
    //Do stuff with respect to dismissal

//Runs when modal is closed without being dismissed, i.e when you close it
//via $scope.theModal.close(...);
    //Do stuff with respect to closure

as a shortcut you could write:

 $scope.theModal.result.then(doClosureFn, doDismissFn);

See ref

The open method returns a modal instance, an object with the following properties:

  • close(result) - a method that can be used to close a modal, passing a result
  • dismiss(reason) - a method that can be used to dismiss a modal, passing a reason
  • result - a promise that is resolved when a modal is closed and rejected when a modal is dismissed
  • opened - a promise that is resolved when a modal gets opened after downloading content's template and resolving all variables 'rendered' - a promise that is resolved when a modal is rendered.

You can use the "result" promise returned by $ method. As bellow:

 $scope.toggleModal = function () {
      $scope.theModal = ${
          animation: true,
          templateUrl: 'pages/templates/modal.html',
          size: "sm",
          scope: $scope

          console.log("Modal Closed!!!");
      }, function(){
          console.log("Modal Dismissed!!!");

Also you can use "finally" callback of "result" promise as below:

          console.log("Modal Closed!!!");

Old question, but if you want to add confirmation dialogs on various close actions, add this to your modal instance controller:

$scope.$on('modal.closing', function(event, reason, closed) {
    console.log('modal.closing: ' + (closed ? 'close' : 'dismiss') + '(' + reason + ')');
    var message = "You are about to leave the edit view. Uncaught reason. Are you sure?";
    switch (reason){
        // clicked outside
        case "backdrop click":
            message = "Any changes will be lost, are you sure?";

        // cancel button
        case "cancel":
            message = "Any changes will be lost, are you sure?";

        // escape key
        case "escape key press":
            message = "Any changes will be lost, are you sure?";
    if (!confirm(message)) {

I have a close button on the top right of mine, which triggers the "cancel" action. Clicking on the backdrop (if enabled), triggers the cancel action. You can use that to use different messages for various close events. Thought I'd share in case it's helpful for others.