Search text in stored procedure in SQL Server

Have you tried using some of the third party tools to do the search? There are several available out there that are free and that saved me a ton of time in the past.

Below are two SSMS Addins I used with good success.

ApexSQL Search – Searches both schema and data in databases and has additional features such as dependency tracking and more…

SSMS Tools pack – Has same search functionality as previous one and several other cool features. Not free for SQL Server 2012 but still very affordable.

I know this answer is not 100% related to the questions (which was more specific) but hopefully others will find this useful.

Escape the square brackets:

WHERE m.definition Like '%\[ABD\]%' ESCAPE '\'

Then the square brackets will be treated as a string literals not as wild cards.

I usually run the following to achieve that:

select distinct object_name(id) 
from syscomments 
where text like '%[ABD]%'
order by object_name(id) 

Try this request:


FROM   sys.procedures
WHERE  Object_definition(object_id) LIKE '%strHell%'