Exe file does not run without QtCreator

Put your executable in a neutral directory, like a freshly created one your desktop. Then run dependency walker. It will show you the list of missing libraries. For a start Qt5Core.dll, libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll and the one you specified will be one of the missing. You have to find them on your system, and copy one by one to this directory. Most of the missing will be in the directory you specified (C:\Qt\Qt5.0.1\5.0.1\mingw47_32\bin). If you cannot find the other ones edit the question with a list.


Types of missing files in the General case :

  • Qt libraries. If Qt was compiled as static, they should not appear
  • Misc libraries Qt depends on : OpenSSL for example. Not appearing if both Qt and this lib is static
  • Compiler libraries : ex, gcc libgcc_s_sjlj for the OP. They are usually dynamic and need to be copied if they are not already in the library search path.